Lovely Day Studio

What is your name, how many kids do you have/how old
Olive Jane "OJ" Recuenco
And I have 2 girls: Brooklyn Skye 12 yrs old + Neveah Justice 7 yrs old

We make wooden home decor items - blanket and shelving ladders and wooden gift boxes filled with locally sourced gift items

Lovely day studio

How did you come up with the idea to create Lovely Day Studio
I purchased a blanket ladder off of FB Marketplace and my partner, Jason who specializes in woodwork said whyyyy? I coulda made that for you and quickly whipped one up for me.

During COVID, just like the rest, we spent a lot of time in our homes making it cozier, decorating and building a garden. We did a lot of wood projects together as a family, the girls and I learned how to sand and stain wood, and use a drill.

How did you get started + how did you find the time with everything else going on in life

  • In Sept 2020, while my partner and left the city to enjoy nature, we went camping and over drinks and a campfire, we said let's do something together, put a product out that people may also like but what?? ----blanket ladders?

  • I had a silly idea to post the picture of the one he made me on Marketplace, in a matter of 2 days during our camping trip, we had 25 orders. 400 ladders later! Easter 2021, i love putting together Easter Baskets for the fam, I asked my partner Jason if he could make a few for me and of course did not hesitate. My mom enjoyed all the Easter Treats and said, you can sell these!

  • 70 Lovely Day Boxes later and we enjoying partnering with other local small business who are just as passionate as we are about their products and putting together gift boxes. It was easier when we first started as we were temporarily laid off from work due to the pandemic, however, it is now that we are finding it challenging as I am back to work.

  • Being intentional with our time is definitely something I am working on.

Biggest Challenge

Biggest Challenge has been balancing and prioritizing my time - working my regular job, mom job and lovely day job---lovely day doesn't feel like work though, it allows me to be creative and I'm working with my best friend, my partner!

Greatest Support

Greatest support have been Jason and my siblings. They are always there when i need to bounce ideas off and my girls motivate me - when they see that mommy has had a tough day they'll say things like, you got this mommy! or can we help? I'm motivated to show them that you can do anything you put your mind to and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

What are you most excited about for the year
I’m excited about our new products that we will be launching and being able to meet more people who I can learn from who also have small businesses. I'm also excited about seeing family and friends again, and traveling!

Do you have any advice for women wanting to create a business / make their passion profitable
DO IT and have all the fun during the process and don't forget to find time for yourself, you deserve it!

Remember to check out Lovely Day Studio + show OJ some love.
Treat yourself, you deserve it. Xx

Our Bahay