Conscious Beauty + Vintage Trailer

How is conscious beauty + vintage trailer a thing? Well, meet the answer to this, Mami + Seika. Earth based soul-twins, bringing you Inspired Japanese, natural living & conscious beauty.

How did you come up with the idea to start this business

We believe small impact can make a big difference. Mami & Seika is a life project and dream for both of us. Our style is more around intuition. We want to remind people around us to enjoy + love what they do. And we want to share our cultural heritage to share happiness ripples, and when that happens it will create a happier world.

It was all a dream

Mami had a dream to formulate her own skin care products, and one day it occurred to her that Seika might be the one to partner to follow her dreams with. They’ve known each other for more than 10 years but had never worked together as business partners.

Alignment + Flow

After couple months of working together, we saw that the potential was there. Creativity was flowing, all sorts of ideas were coming up + we realized we could accomplish so much more if we joined as a team.

We also noticed all the signs were there in our lives + surroundings. It was almost like a clear path appeared before us. It's a bit spiritual, but we definitely saw the FLOW.

Advice for women wanting to start to their own business

  • TRUST YOURSELF - and trust others

  • DON’T GIVE UP - but don’t cling on

  • KEEP GOING - until you are satisfied or convinced

The term "Ikigai", does that resonate with you at all
Yes! Mami & Seika Project is our ikigai. Because what we do makes everyone around us happy.

Meet Mami + Seika for yourself here.

Our Bahay