Love Yourself Challenge

14-days of self love.

Everyday till Feb 14th, we’re challenging you to do something to show yourself some love, and celebrate you. Come back here daily to see the latest daily challenge, or connect on our IG to join the challenge.

Day 1

Treat yourself to flowers. Live. Small. Dried. Large. Plants. Mini. 🌾

Why wait for a “special occasion”, when every day is special. Why wait for some one to gift floral for you, when you are the best person to gift yourself.

Day 2

Give yourself gratitude.

You can write it down, go for a walk + spend a few moments thinking about how far you’ve come, how much you’ve accomplished, burn a gratitude candle + give yourself thanks either out loud or quietly, or enjoy a few calm minutes listening to a guided meditation + prompts on gratitude

Day 3

We know how to move our bodies, but do you know how to show love to your brain?

Keeping your brain active increases its vitality. Doing new things in new ways helps retain brain cells and connections. It may even produce new brain cells. In essence, breaking out of your regular routine can help keep your brain stay healthy.

Day 4

Salt Bath.

So you may already know that salt baths are great to help relieve stress, ease sore muscles, calm irritated skin, stimulate circulation, and aid in relaxation.

But did you know that salt baths are also a great way to release stagnant negative energy, aid to realign our internal chakras, help ground us, and rid our body of toxins.

Day 5

Guided Meditation.

Benefits of meditating.Meditation is the habitual process of training your mind to focus and redirect your thoughts.

Reduce stress. Help control anxiety. Support emotional health. Enhance self awareness. Lengthen attention span. Help strengthen memory. Improve sleep. Accessible anywhere.

Day 6

Sleep. Sounds easy enough I know, but sometimes there really aren’t enough hours in the day. Lol! … until you really create space for it.

We’re working on a sleep revolution this year, and want to have more conversations around sleep, how to get more of it, why it’s so good for you, and really work through our days so that we can create more time to sleep 💤 So challenge… get an extra hour, or two, of sleep.

Day 7

Early bird catches the worm.

Try waking up 15 minutes earlier than normal. It makes a world of difference in setting up your day for success. Light a candle, lay day + listen to a few minutes of guided meditation, enjoy a warm cup of tea in silence, whatever you want. You’ll feel like you got a big jump start on your day.

Day 8

Get out of your comfort zone + try something new.

Break the monotony of routine and change our biorhythm—jolting and stimulating us intellectually, emotionally, and physically.

Day 9

Plan some quality time with a friend.

One of the few pleasures in life that can cost you very little, but reward you substantially. The emotional support provided by social ties enhances your psychological well-being.

Day 10


Grounding, also called earthing, is a therapeutic technique that involves doing activities that “ground” or electrically reconnect you to the earth. One of the easiest ways to ground yourself to the earth is to walk barefoot. Whether on grass, sand, or even mud, allowing your skin to touch the natural ground can provide you with grounding energy.

Day 11

Create a vision board for yourself.

Get clear on your vision, “The law of attraction is forming your entire life experience and it is doing that through your thoughts. When you are visualizing, you are emitting a powerful frequency out into the Universe.”

Day 12

Treat yourself.

Treat yourself in whatever form that may be. Get yourself flowers. Take a nap. Go for a quiet walk solo… or with a loved one. Wake up extra early, and sit in silence. Light a candle. Take a salt bath. Read. Enjoy a hard hitting workout. Or enjoy slow mindful movement. Whatever form that treating yourself may look like for you, today’s challenge is to do it for yourself.

Day 13

Write down 3 goals to accomplish in the next 90 days.

“The Law of Attraction”, the theory that the energy of our thoughts (positive or negative) attracts experiences of the same energy to come into our lives (or manifest). The concept is generally summed up as "Like attracts like."

Day 14

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Our Bahay