"Adulting" Travel Essentials

Gone are the days when all I had to worry about was packing one little suitcase for myself. Now packing includes enough for 3 little ones, plus all the additional travel paperwork + documents needed for the times.

When travelling, these are the little things that bring a whole lotta joy (for myself anyways, lol!)…


  1. AirBNB - Traded the room service, for more space

  2. Washer + Dryer - You don’t have to pack as many clothes + you get a clean load daily, win!

  3. Zen Corner - I love getting my meditation on, so creating a little on-the-go Zen space wherever I go is a must

  4. Skin Care - My skin takes a beating when traveling, so travel size skin essentials are such a treat

  5. Grocery Shop - Before getting settled into home, love stocking up on necessities for the (vacation) home

    • Toilet paper, paper towels, any cleaning supplies

    • Water, fruit/veggies, and snacks for the go


  • Palm sized singing bowls

  • Crystal infused manifesting candles

  • Palo Santo stick (always filling up the body + the space with good vibes ;)


A BabyBliss Hair Straightener from a local super market

As we know not only are the plugs in Europe different than the ones in North America, but so is the power that runs through them. I thought I was a keen planner by purchasing a dual-voltage straightener, as well as a power plug converter, but… was prepared for that not to work as well, which it didn’t because the power of the straightener was just too much.

So after chatting with our Uber driver, he recommended a local supermarket that carries a little bit of everything. And that they did ;) We first hit up Sephora which had straighteners, but I wasn’t prepared to pay €300+ for something I was going to use only a couple of times, so MonoPrix it was.

And THAT my friends, was the best €44 spent!

Would love to hear what are your “musts” + non-negotiables when travelling.
Where are you heading to next?

Our Bahay