The Power In Putting Things On Paper

Creative, unique, genius, ideas, goals & thoughts pop in & out of our head throughout the day, in the shower, while on a walk, or in our dreams. But do you take the time write them down?

The Power In Writing Things Down

  • Writing things down helps clear your mind

  • Better organize your time, ideas + thoughts

  • Helps to clarify your goals, priorities and intentions

  • Writing things down helps you recognize and process your emotions

  • Foster the power of gratitude by not only writing down goals + to-do-lists, but things you’re grateful for

"Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough"

- Oprah

Benefits of a Vision Board

  • Gets you clear on your vision, and forces you to create, commit + put something down on paper

  • Creates an emotional connection to keep you motivated

  • Physically creating the vision in your mind provides you with a daily visual reminder

“Vision without action is merely a dream. Vision with action can change the world.”

- Joel A Barker, The Secret

Have you ever created a vision board? Do you write down goals? Do you have a list of things you want to manifest for yourself?

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