3 Tips + 4 Reasons Why Goal Setting Is Awesome

Setting goals are awesome, and here’s why…

  • Having goals on paper helps to guide your focus

  • Written goals keep what needs to be attained top of mind

  • Once you start accomplishing goal you gain feelings of satisfaction + further motivation

  • Clarity + Commitment

Some of my favourite books that helped cultivate goal writing…

  • “Start With Why”, Simon Sinek

  • “The 5AM Club”, Robin Sharma

  • “Shoe Dog”, Phil Knight

  • “The Power of Habit”, Charles Duhigg

3 Tips for goal setting & writing…

  • Make them SMART, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely

  • Put it down on paper, that makes it tangible + you can see them regularly

  • Have the vision, but create the action plan to achieve it

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