Plan For Success

“If You Fail to Plan, You Are Planning to Fail”
- Benjamin Franklin

Okay, it doesn’t have to be that dramatic, or die hard. We’re busy, life gets busy… I get it. But those few moments you can create for yourself to help set up your day, set up your week, or even stretch it out to plan those next 12 weeks, makes a world of difference in setting yourself up for success.

Passion Is Energy


  1. Early Bird: Set your alarm clock for 30 mins earlier than normal (even 15 mins) - Game changer

  2. Stillness: Before you do anything, meditate, sit in stillness for 15 mins, or sweat it out for 15 mins

  3. Plan Ahead: Look at your day, what are key things you want to achieve, or events to remember

  4. Put It On Paper: Make not of your days goals, to do’s, reminders, then you have something to look to

  5. Execute: Whatever you want to do least, start with that first + it only gets easier from there

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