2020(two) Vision... Boards

“Vision without action is merely a dream. Vision with action can change the world.”
- Joel A Barker, The Secret

Benefits of a Vision Board

  • Gets you clear on your vision

  • Forces you to create, commit + put something down on paper

  • Creates an emotional connection to keep you motivated

  • Physically creating the vision in your mind provides you with a daily visual reminder

5 benefits of visualization meditation

  1. It can be good for your overall wellbeing. Visualization meditation is known to impact us on all levels—mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional.

  2. Helps to enhance creativity. Given that the whole point of visualization meditation is to let your imagination run wild, it makes sense that it's said to help get your creative juices flowing.

  3. Aid in getting you aligned to achieve your goals. Envisioning yourself achieving your biggest goals supports a more intentional way of living your life. At the end of the meditation, your goal will feel more within reach and you'll have a game plan in place to get started. 

  4. Improve your self-image. Visualization meditation can be transformative in many ways—and the internal shifts you may experience from it can be just as profound as the external ones. Ultimately, what we condition our mind to think and believe through visualization meditation.

  5. Aid in relieving stress + anxiety. Meditation has been found to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for bringing the body into a resting state. So if you need to calm down and drop into your body, visualizing yourself somewhere relaxing is a great solution. 

What are you manifesting for yourself in 2022?

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